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Nam eget est facilisis, porta mi ac, ultricies enim. Proin nisi diam, eleifend ac eleifend in, dapibus in orci. Vestibulum elementum lectus non nisl venenatis, tempus molestie nisi tempus. Pellentesque facilisis nibh nec purus blandit, id aliquam lorem fermentum.
  • Car production history

    Posted 2021-08-13

    The history of the automotive industry, although brief compared to many other industries, is of exceptional interest because of its impact on twentieth-century history. Although automobile originated in Europe in the late 19th century, the United States completely dominated world industry through the invention of mass production techniques in the first half of the twentieth century. In the second half of the century, the situation changed dramatically as Western European countries and Japan became major producers and exporters.


  • Car production history

    Posted 2021-08-11



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